Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Anniversary/Thanksgiving

The biggest problem with getting married on the fourth Saturday in November is that sometime your anniversary (or actual wedding for that matter) falls on the BYU vs UofU game!  Coming in at a close second...your anniversary is on Thanksgiving.  That was the case for us this year so we celebrated a little early.  I got a fantastic deal ($49 + two free breakfast buffets whaaaaat!) on a newly renovated room at the MGM  the night before our anniversary/thanksgiving. My mom was kind enough to watch our kids and we ate at a nice Brazilian steak house.  Chris has recently gotten into some online/google game involving portals or something and my gift to him was to follow him around on the strip while he was conquering the world without complaining (that there is the kind of patience 15 years of marriage gives ya!).  It was really nice just to spend time together and be in love.

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